
Research activities will be of paramount importance for the Center which will be carried out involving the participation of both Faculty and students of RVCE.

The broad area of the research work will be under INTELLIGENT VIDEO ANALYTICS.

As the country is witnessing CCTV installations in large numbers, it sets constraints to keep monitoring all the cameras by human operators as it is a very cumbersome process. Hence, there is a need to develop intelligent agents(software) which can automatically detect events and raise alerts/messages without much of human intervention . Since, AI, ML and DL have become the game changer technologies of the future, they can be very effectively applied on live camera feeds to get the desired results. Hence, this opens up a challenging field of research to develop intelligent algorithms for video analytics.

Application areas will cover traffic management, public safety, law enforcement, environment, video forensics and health care.


Sushma S Ankad , Shivaprasad Rai B , Dr. Azra Nasreen , Dr. Surbhi Mathur ,Dr. Ramakanth Kumar P , Dr. Sreelakshmi K, Object Size Measurement from CCTV footage using deep learning, in IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS) on 16th -18th December 2021.